
Welcome to our Archives!

Our Archives Page contains copies of documents pertaining to all GEA Schools, and the GEC Board of Directors.
All archived documents are .pdf files that can be read online or downloaded.
Please contact the main office of your school of interest to request any items you do not see displayed here. Documents related to Board Meetings may also be made available upon request.
Charter School Petitions
All GEA Schools' Charter Petitions and Petition Renewals have been authorized by Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).
*September 2013 - GEA MS and GEA are combined into one GEC Board Agenda going forward

School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)

Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP)
Prop 30 EPA Budgets
Local Educational Agencey (LEA) / Single School District (SSD) Plan
ESSER III Expenditure Plans for GEA and GEA 2
Board Policies & Procedures
Parent - Student Handbooks
School Health & Safety Plans
Pre K /TK